Piggery Business Plan Pdf

  1. Piggery Business Plan Example Pdf
  2. Piggery Project Business Plan Pdf
  3. Piggery Business Plan Doc
  4. Piggery Business Plan In South Africa Pdf
  1. What I Learned From Imran Hussein 1910 Words 8 Pages. Introduction Usually authors refers to business plan usage as a documentation, a funding proposal for start-ups or in an established business projects, as a part of approval process of a collective decision making for (loans or source of capital justification) or an operational management tool (Stutely,2007).
  2. Pork Processing Business Piggery Business Plan, Pig Farming Business Plan, Hog Production, Pork and Swine Production (Feeding Management, Breeding, Housing Management, Sausages, Bacon, Cooked Ham with Packaging).

Dear friend, you’re welcome to the Africa Business Classroom (ABC).

I started my first business before I was a boy of 15. Today I run my company in Lagos and operate in different states of Nigeria.

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For most people who are planning to start their own pig farming business in Nigeria, business plan or feasibility study isn’t one of those things they ever thought of.

That’s one of the reason why such people fail.

Take for instance the case of a man who called me in recent time and told me about his plan of starting a catfish farming business of 5,000 catfish fingernails.

When I asked him how much he planned to use in feeding 5,000 catfish till table size he said #300,000. I laughed at him. He has never taken any time to plan the business he wanted to start.

I’m happy for you that you’re reading this pigfarming business plan/feasibility study because it will help your intending fishery business.

This article will guild you on how to write your own pig farming business plan. However, details of the cost analyses is not included because (as you know) the cost of things are never fixed and we don’t want to mislead you.

If you’re starting a pig farming business in Nigeria and you need our experienced pig farmers to help you in writing a current cost analyses that will contain how much you’ll need to construct your piggery pens, get the weaner piglets, pig feeds, vaccination and labour, call us (through the number we’ll soon give you) or visit HERE

Introduction to Pig Farming Business Plan

Business plan or business proposal is a very important part of every business venture, including pig farming farming, and that is why you hear about it very often.

I have read from different business experts about the fact that most start-up entrepreneurs do not write business plan nor do any feasibility study, but what I have not read from anyone is why this is so.

Why is it that most people have fear (so to say) about writing a business plan or doing any feasibility study?

I know the answer.

You see, there are many myths and lies you probably have heard about the subject of business plan and feasibility study.

Some people present business plan as if it was a university thesis or an academic report to be defended before certain professors. Other people think that a business plan has to be 50 pages long and that it must be written in a certain “approved” format.

Well, I am here to tell you that all those opinions are not valid. Because there are some ugly lies around this important business step, most people are “afraid” of doing it

Journey with me as I will reveal the real truth about business plan and at the end, you will discover that it is actually easy to write your fish farming business plan.


If you’ll like our experienced pig farmers to reveal to you the CURRENT market situation of the pig farming industry in Nigeria, by writing a pig farming business plan PDF for you, you can call us on 08100446044 (+2348100446044) or Click HERE

This business plan PDF will contain the estimate of the amount you need to contruct your piggery pens, the amount you’ll need to get the weaner (piglets to start your pig farm with), the amount you’ll need for the vaccines and vaccination, the amount you’ll need for feeding, labour, etc.

All this cost will be the current cost that is applicable now in the poultry farming industry in Nigeria.

The pig farming business plan PDF will include the expected sales, mortality and income.

You can also be part of our practical pig farming training which gives you the opportunity to visit one of our associates’ pig farms (near you) and learn, on the farm, how to start and run a successful pig farming business in Nigeria or invite our experienced pig farmers to come and help you in setting up of your piggery business and stay by you for the next one year so you won’t make any mistakes.

Click HERE for detail


There are three reasons why anyone may need a pig business plan.

First, if you`re about to start a pig farming business and you want to convince certain people to raise capital for you. In this case, you want to use your business plan to “sell” your piggery farming business idea to the investors so they will be willing to finance your piggery business.

You want to convince the investor that you have done the feasibility study of your intending business and understand the cost implications and profitability of your intending business, hence, the reason for a business plan.

Second, if you want to start a pig farming business and you`re willing to be successful. Though you don`t need external investors, you obviously need to grow, to compete and to win the battle of the poultry market place. You need a business plan.

Third, you may need a new pig farming business plan because the economic or market situation has make your last plans obsolete. Yes, business plan is not like an academic paper which may stand for many years and still be relevant.

I wrote a business plan last year (I think April) and by December, it was already obsolete. Why? You really don`t know tomorrow. Your projections, plans or tactics are dependent on many factors that are beyond your power and when things change that affect your business (positively or negatively), then your plans also must be re-written.


After I have spent over a decade in the business world, I discovered 13 Secrets which school did not teach you about how to be rich

Because I want you to become a successful entrepreneur like me, I will reveal the 13 secrets to you. Click Here to download it for free.


I am sure you know that my answer will not be in agreement with what you have been told before and the reason is because, you see, most people usually see the world we are as a formal world where everything has to be done formally.

That`s not true.

The world is not formal and every meaningful thing in the world is informal. Let me explain with an analogy.

If you are chatting with me on facebook, you will be looking at my profile picture and assume that you`re speaking with someone you`re seeing right in the profile picture. But no, the man who you`re seeing wears a good suit while the real me is wearing boxers and a signet.

You think I am formal, but I am not.

How long should a pig farming business plan be?

Depending on your objective and who will read it. The last business plan I wrote was written on a single sheet of A4 paper. I typed and printed it out.

If you intend to write a piggery business plan for yourself and not to convince any investor, I strongly recommend that you write your business plan in a single sheet of paper or two, worst, three.

I know this is a strange advice so let me explain.

You see, human nature loves complexity while simplicity is the only valuable thing. Anything that is too complex will give you stress and then become a burden on you, then you`ll abandon it … making it useless.

If you are planning to write a piggery business plan for your own usefulness, you will have to review it often (or else you won`t even follow it), so tell me, which document is easier to review, a ten pages document or two?

You know the answer.

What if you want to write your business plan to convince the investors?

Some people will advise you to write 50 pages and some other entrepreneurs might have written 100 pages in the past, but let me tell you the truth, nobody hastimeto read your thesis except the university professors.

The only people who have so much time are the poor people and I am sure if at all you want to use your piggery business plan to get an investor to finance your business, then you`re talking about someone who is (probably) very busy.

Let me tell you this so you will understand what I am saying here.

Many CV have been submitted to me by the job seekers in the past and I am sure they would have prepared those CVs thinking, “I will impress the employers”.

Well, here comes the sad news … I have never in my life read a CV, I scan through them.

I don`t have time, please.

Your business plan is like the CV for the job seekers. How long should it be?

Its again depends on who will read it. 10 pages may help you. 15 pages may help you, but when you`re going beyond 20 pages, I am out!

If you forget everything, make sure you don`t forget this… the investors you will give your business plan to really don`t have time.

How many years should your pig rearing business plan/written feasibility study be?

Another area where people miss it. They are writing 5 or 10 years business plan.

I laugh.

Think about planning for your business the way you think about goals for your life.

When I first learned about goal setting, I was impressed by that idea and I started by writing 5 and 10 years goals.

I was wrong.

It never worked. I later started writing one year goal and now I am writing goal for a third of the year (4 months).

The reason is simple… you`re a human being like all of us. What you think/plan will happen will not happen the way you plan it.

Any piggery business plan that is more than one year is actually questionable. That is my opinion. Any other business expert may tell you something different.

The two exceptions to this is, first, if you’re submitting your business plan to an investor. He/she would like to see what your fish business is likely to turn to in the next 5, 10 years.

The second exception is for you to see the future (which of course would not be the way you plan it)

After I have spent over a decade in the business world, I discovered 13 Secrets which school did not teach you about how to be rich

Because I want you to become a successful entrepreneur like me, I will reveal the 13 secrets to you. Click Here to download it for free.


So what and what should your business plan contain?

Before answering that question, permit me to cross out a popular lie about business plan.

Most people believe that if your plan is well written, it will win you huge amount of money from the investors. This is like telling a graduate, hey, if you can write your CV very well, you will be employed in a big company.

That was then. I hate certificate and CV and every single time people have submitted them to me, I have asked myself, what can this man/woman render as value for us (as organization)?

Do you think I am the only one with this mindset? Do you think your intending investors will be bought by a super-written business plan?

Think again.

Most investors will rather judge your five sentences than your 50 pages plans. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn`t write your business plan very well. It simply means that you have more to do than just writing a plan.

You have to understand in and out, front and back, up and down of your intending enterprise.

In fact, the written piggery business plan is nothing but the abstract of what is in your head, or else, you`ll fail in your attempt to convince business partners or investors to invest in your pig farming business.

Some people believe that business plan is what anyone (an expert) can sit down somewhere and just write for them. A man called me about two months ago and that was what he wanted me to do for him.

If I write a “superb” plan for you, will I still be the one to defend it when your investors ask you questions?

Though our organization can help you to write the current market situation, cost analyses and pig farming business plan, using the experience of our pig farmers team mates, you better understand whatever it is you’re taking to an investors, because they are not dumb. They will ask you questions, many of it.

That is why the first task you have is to understand your intending pig business very well.


Okay, now let me tell you seven things that your business plan should contain.

I will not write any complex term or academic jargon here (because I believe the world is not complex)

1. Your intending pig farming business name/title.

This is obvious. Example… Africa Business Classroom`s Business Plan

2. Objective/summary.

They call this Executive Summary, but don`t be deceived by this name. It simply means, why you are writing this plan.

What do you want to achieve with your plan? If you`re giving it to an investor, what do you want from him?

Constructively state your objective here. If you`re giving your plan to someone you want to convince to partner with you, state your objective and if your intention is to get him to finance your business venture, state that here.

Piggery Business Plan Example Pdf

3. Your Pig Farming Business Description.

What and what is your business all about? What is your industry all about? What are the future possibilities and threats in your industry? Describe your intending business here.

4. Market strategy.

An investor expects you to have been familiar with your product/service and market, as close as you are to your wife.

He wants you to convince him of your intending marketing strategies and that is the reason for this face. How do you intend to win a good market share?

This is very important, even if you`re not presenting your plan to any investor. In the business terminology, they will advise you to conduct a market analysis.

I hate to use big grammar.

What that simply means is that you should spend time to research and understand your market, then position yourself with the tactics to win. That`s what an investor wants you to tell him here.

Read more about marketing strategies here

5. Competitors` analysis.

Here, an investor will want you to convince him that you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors. Some people come up with a formula they call SWORT analysis.

It simply means that you should analyses the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity, Reward and the Threats in the market place.

This will help you to know how to play your business game and if you`ll be presenting your business plan to an investor, this will encourage him that you actually understand your “enemies” and are able to kill

6. Your people.

If I want to invest with you, won`t I have interest in knowing who and who will be part of your fish farming business team? That is what you will want to write here. Who will be doing what, who will be handle what and who will be employed later to take care of what? These are the answers you have to provide here.


Don`t hype things here. Don`t write in your poultry business plan that you are a computer programmer if you only know how to operate MS word. Don`t write in your plan that you have the best marketing expert in the world in your team while you have none.

The truth is, your weakness is a strength. Don`t present yourself as Mr. Perfect for anybody in the business world. This is because most people you will meet are smart.

Come on! Only fools will believe you if you try to impress him with your perfection.

7. Financial situations and forecasts.

Here you`ll want to write about the financial requirements of your business, amount on ground now and what and what is needed.

Above you have it. A guild that can help you to write a good business plan.

And you see, all I have written here are by no means a “standard formula” because I don`t believe there is anything as such.

I call it guild and that`s what it is.

Anything above may be removed and anything may be added, but don`t forget this three things.

First, always think about your objective.

Cara instal driver canon ir 6000 drivers. If your objective is to have a focus and business growth, your business plan will definitely be different from someone who wants to use his pig farming business plan to win an investor.

Second, don`t forget that nobody really has time for your academic thesis, except your professor in the university, and since he is poor, don`t write anything clumsy, lousy or too long.

Third, you may think there is a formal and proper way to write your pig farming business plan but the only proper way is the way that will achieve your objective.

What and what should you include in your business plan to be able to “sell” your business idea to the investors?

Include just that and you will win.


If you’ll like our experienced pig farmers to reveal to you the CURRENT market situation of the pig farming industry in Nigeria, by writing a pig farming business plan PDF for you, you can call us on 08100446044 (+2348100446044) or Click HERE

This business plan PDF will contain the estimate of the amount you need to contruct your piggery pens, the amount you’ll need to get the weaner (piglets to start your pig farm with), the amount you’ll need for the vaccines and vaccination, the amount you’ll need for feeding, labour, etc.

All this cost will be the current cost that is applicable now in the poultry farming industry in Nigeria.

The pig farming business plan PDF will include the expected sales, mortality and income.

You can also be part of our practical pig farming training which gives you the opportunity to visit one of our associates’ pig farms (near you) and learn, on the farm, how to start and run a successful pig farming business in Nigeria or invite our experienced pig farmers to come and help you in setting up of your piggery business and stay by you for the next one year so you won’t make any mistakes.

Click HERE for detail


After I have spent more than 10 years in the business world, I discovered 13 Secrets which school did not teach you about how to be rich

Because I want you to become a successful entrepreneur like me, I will reveal the 13 secrets to you. Click Here to download it for free.

5 More Posts You Need to Read;

Pig farming business is a very profitable business, and many people are making money all over the world by starting a piggery business. However, to build a successful, sustainable pig farming business, you require sufficient knowledge of how to efficiently raise the pigs, good management skills, and a good piggery business plan. This article will outline how to start the piggery farming business, and the pig farming business plan – PDF, Word and Excel.

Pig farming is a lucrative business, providing income for millions of people, but there are some essential things you need to do before you venture into the piggery business. You have to decide on the size of your pig farming business project i.e. the number of sows you want to keep; location of the pig farming business e.g. a piggery farm , and your target market. These choices will be affected by the amount of capital you have, and the size of your target market.

Piggery Project Business Plan Pdf

If you do not have a lot of capital, you can always start small and grow your piggery business overtime, remember, Rome was not built in a day. You also need to carry out market research (Who are you going to sell the pigs/porkers to? At what price?) and write a piggery business plan before you venture into the pig farming business.

What you need

Land for Pig Farming Business

To start your piggery business, you require a large enough area for erecting the necessary pig sty and other farm buildings. The pig farming project requires a gentle sloppy site with well-draining soils (e.g. loamy soils). This is essential as enables easy flow of effluence. You should locate your piggery farm at least 1 kilometre away from the rivers to avoid possible contamination of water from effluence. You should first asses if the land is suitable for operating a pig production business. It is advisable to locate the pig farming project nearer to good roads as that will help minimize costs and enable the farmer to have access to and from the piggery business project. Your pig farming business plan should take into account the cost of purchasing or renting the land.

Housing for the Pigs

You need good and efficient housing for your pigs. This will make management of the pigs easier and it reduces the mortality rate of the piglets. If you have proper housing at your pig farm, you can successfully rear 90% or more of all the live born piglets to market weight in the shortest possible time. Note that pigs at different stages of growth require different environments (temperatures) and different housings. Piglets require protection from very low temperatures to ensure that they grow to their maximum potential level.

On the other hand, the growing and reproducing pigs must be protected against high temperatures. So you have to ensure that the piggery houses are built to protect the young and grown pigs against extreme temperature and bad weather conditions e.g. continuous rain and cold winds. Materials and equipment required for the construction of pig housing structures and buildings can be bought from hardwares and other shops which specialize in selling agricultural inputs. Your piggery business plan should take into account the construction costs for the housing of pigs.

Breeding Pigs: Sows and Bows

To start your pig farming business, you require breeding stock. The breeding stock you require are boars and sows. Boars are the male pigs which will service the sows, which are the female pigs. Ensure that you purchase a good breed of pigs. When you are buying the breeding stock, buy from farms which are known to produce good and healthy pigs. The growth potential of your piglets will depend on the nature and quality of the parent stock. Thus it is of great importance to buy a good pig breeding stock from reliable piggery farmers.

You require 1 boar for every 15-20 sows. The number of soars which you buy for your pig farming business will depend on the scale of your piggery business. One sow gives birth to 9-11 piglets from one pregnancy. A sow can fall pregnant twice a year. The pregnancy of a pig lasts for 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days (114 days). The pig farming business plan should take into consideration the cost of buying the breeding stock.

Piggery Business Plan Doc

Feed for the Pigs

You ought to correctly feed your pigs. The pigs must be given the correct type of feed as well as the correct amount of feed. This will ensure that the pigs reproduce efficiently, grow efficiently, utilize the feed efficiently, produce good quality meat, thus maximizing the profits of your pig farming business. If you fail to give the proper feed to pigs then you may miss the slaughter weight targets and the desired quality of the pork. This may lead to a loss in your pig farming business. Note that pigs require different types and amount of feed depending on which stage of growth they are at. Your pig farming business plan should take into account all the feed costs at different stage of growth of the pigs.

Capital for a Piggery Farming Business

Starting a pig farming business is capital intensive. The capital is required for constructing the pig housings, purchasing the breeding stock, purchasing stock feeds and other costs associated with running a pig farming business. The amount of capital you need for your pig farming business will depend on the size of your piggery farming project. Your piggery business plan should clearly outline the money required to start and operate a pig production business.

Management And Labour for a Pig Farm

The number of employees you require for your pig farming business will depend on the size of your piggery project. You will need pig keepers who will be responsible for feeding the pigs, cleaning and disinfecting the pig housings, washing the pigs and other duties. There may also be need for finance and marketing team, depending on the size of your pig production business. Your pig farming project proposal should take into account the salary costs for all the people you are going to employ.


You can slaughter your pigs when they are between the ages of 4 months to 6 months. The exact age at which you slaughter your pigs depends on whether you want to sell your pigs as porkers or as baconers.

The market for pork is very huge and is ever increasing. The annual global demand of pork is 11 million tonnes. That’s a lot! You can supply pork to abattoirs, local butcher shops, retailers, hotels, supermarkets, restaurants, wholesalers and individual consumers. Pork has to be sold whilst it’s still fresh, thus you should locate your pig farm close to your market. The pig production business plan ought to include a proper marketing plan to use in your piggery business.

The export market for pork is also very huge! As you grow your pig farming business you will be able to export the pork to other countries. The largest importers of pork are Japan, Russia, Hong Kong, China, South Korea and Mexico.

Pre-Written Pig Farming Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel): Comprehensive Version, Short Funding/Bank Loan Version and Automated Financial Statements

For an in-depth analysis of the pig farming business, we encourage you to purchase our well-researched and comprehensive piggery business plan. We introduced the business plans after discovering that many were venturing into the pig production business without enough knowledge and understanding of how to run the piggery business, how to keep the pigs, lack of understanding of the financial side of the business, lack of understanding of : the industry, the risks involved , costs and profitability of the business; which often leads to disastrous losses.

The StartupBiz Global pig farming business plan will make it easier for you to launch and run your piggery business successfully, fully knowing what you are going into, and what’s needed to succeed in the business. It will be easier to plan and budget as you will be aware of all the costs involved in setting up and running the pig farming business.

Uses of the Pig Production Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel)

The pig farming business plan can be used for many purposes including:

  • Raising capital from investors/friends/relatives
  • Applying for a bank loan
  • Start-up guide to launch your pig production business
  • As a piggery business proposal / pig farming project proposal
  • Assessing profitability of the piggery business
  • Finding a business partner
  • Assessing the initial start-up costs so that you know how much to save
  • Manual for current business owners to help in business and strategy formulation

Contents of the Piggery Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel)

The pig farming business plan include, but not limited to:

  • Marketing Strategy
  • Financial Statements (monthly cash flow projections, income statements, cash flow statements, balance sheets, break even analysis, payback period analysis, start-up costs, financial graphs, revenue and expenses, Bank Loan Amortization)
  • Risk Analysis
  • Industry Analysis
  • Market Analysis
  • SWOT & PEST Analysis
  • Operational Requirements (Including technical aspects of how to keep and rear the pigs, feed requirements etc)
  • Operational Strategy
  • Why some people in pig farming business fail, so that you can avoid their mistakes
  • Ways to raise capital to start your pig farming business

The Pre-written piggery farming business plan package consist of 4 files

  1. Pig Farming Business Plan – PDF file (Comprehensive Version – 81 Pages)
  2. Pig Farming Business Plan – Editable Word File (Comprehensive Version – 81 Pages)
  3. Pig Farming Business Plan Funding/Bank Loan Version- Editable Word File (Short version for applying for a loan/funding – 42 pages)
  4. Pig Farming Business Plan Automated Financial Statements – (Editable Excel File)

The business plan can be used in any country and can be easily edited. The financial statements are automated. This implies that you can change eg the number of pigs, selling price of the pigs etc, and all the other financial statements will automatically adjust to reflect the change.

Click below to download the Contents Page of the Pig Farming Business Plan (PDF)

Get the Pig Farming Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel)

Click Buy Now below to purchase using Paypal, Credit Card, or Debit Card. After you have purchased, you will see the download link for the business plan package on the screen. We will also email you the download link.

The Pre-written business plan package (PDF, Word, and Excel) costs $30 only!

If you want to purchase multiple business plans at once then click here: Business Plans Store.

The business plan package is a zipped compressed file containing the PDF, Word and Excel documents. To open the package after downloading it, just right click, and select Extract All. If you have any problems in downloading and opening the files, email us on shop@startupbizglobal.com and we will assist you.

We wish you the best in your Pig farming business! Check out our collection of business plans , and more business ideas.

Piggery Business Plan In South Africa Pdf
